Iolanda Pensa

Iolanda Pensa (1975) is a researcher and art critic. She is Swiss and Italian. She lives in Milan (Italy) and works in Ticino (Switzerland) with an Italian mobile phone, a Swiss office and two passports.

Training. University degree in Medieval art history at the Catholic University of Milan with final degree in contemporary art (Literature and Philosophy, Modern Literature, 2003). PhD in Social anthropology and ethnology at the EHESS École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Parigi and in Territorial government and planning at the Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (2011). Creative Commons GLAM Certificate (2021).

Experiences. Researcher for “Africa e Mediterraneo” (2002-2006). Founder and board member of iStrike Foundation in Rotterdam (2005-2008). Professor of Art economy at NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano (2007-2011) and correspondent for Africa for “Domus” magazine (2011-2012). Scientific director at Moleskine Foundation in Milan (2007-2012) for the projects “WikiAfrica: Increasing the quality and quantity of African content on Wikipedia” and “Share Your Knowledge: Creative Commons and Wikipedia for Cultural Institutions”. Researcher at the Institute of Design / Department for Environment Constructions and Design / SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (2013-), Artistic director of Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus (2007-), Coordinator of Ecomuseo delle Grigne (2010-), lead Wikimania Esino Lario 2016, chair of the Wikimania Committee (2017-), chair of Wikimedia Italia (2020-2024).

Research interests. Systems of knowledge production and distributions in Africa; innovative interfaces for education; assessment of cultural institutions, GLAMs and public art; art system and the impact of international grant-makers on culture in Africa; Wikipedia and Creative Commons; the Dakar Biennale of Contemporary African Art, public art in Douala.

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