

Wikipedia and Cultural Tourism, Università di Macerata, seminar 21/04/2023

Pensa, Iolanda. Open: How to Open Your Content and How to Re-Use Open Content, Maind – Master in Interaction Design, SUPSI, 09/10/2023. Slides.
DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8421644 (including recording without editing)
OSF https://osf.io/ejp84/
On Wikimedia Commons.


Docente di Antropologia culturale alla SUPSI, corso bachalor di Architettura d’interni, settembre-dicembre 2022.


Visiting professor of Heritage Studies and ICT, Università di Bergamo, November-December 2020.


Visiting professor of Heritage Management, Università di Bergamo, November-December 2019. Description of the course on the website of the Università di Bergamo.

Slides on google drive.

  • Assignment and Oral exam. A personal research focusing on a specific territory. The research includes cultural mapping and as-­is analysis, critical analysis and a personal proposal. Around 20-­30 slides; maximum 7500 words. Oral exam based on the bibliography.
  • 01. Introduction to the course and description of the assignment. The concept of heritage and mapping a territory. Presentations.
  • 02. Heritage. Identification of the site/object, Research and classification, Policy settings, Conservation, Renovation, Regeneration, Preservation, Restoration and Interpretation. Presentation by Sanja Iguman.
  • 03. Territory and structure of a proposal. Heritage and territorial development. The project system: context analysis, keywords, objectives, activities, expected results, budget and calendar.
  • 04. Stakeholders, legislation, copyright, copyleft and attribution. The Cross-national institutions (UNESCO, ICOMOS, European Commission), the role of the public administrations and the institutions (associations, trusts, commissions) responsible for promoting and managing “heritage (tourism) activities”. The role of legislation, copyright, copyleft and freedom of panorama in cultural heritage management. How to attribute and how to use and release content.
  • 05. Activities – Interpretations and initiatives. Current projects, communication, Wikipedia.
  • 06. Activities – Services and accessibility.
  • 07. Target groups. The relationship with visitors and the role of interpretation and programs.
  • 08. Analysis. Strengths and Weaknesses. Critical assessment of the as-is analysis. Threats and Opportunities. Strategic use of resources and new strategies. The political and ideological implications of heritage. Ideas and authenticity. The concepts of authenticity, staged authenticity, as presented in artistic and creative practice. The system of concentric circles to map territories and content.Critical analysis of case studies.
  • 09. Projects – How to present them, graphic design, coherence, clarity. Budget.
  • 10. Projects – Case studies.

D.J.Timothy, S.Boyd, Heritage Tourism, Prentice Hall, 2003, pp. 286.
1 book at choice:

  • F. Tilden, Interpreting Our Heritage, The University of South Carolina Press, 1972.
  • Engaging Heritage, Engaging Communities, Edited by Bryony Onciul, Michelle L. Stefano, Stephanie Hawke, Boydell Press, 2017.



Visiting professor of Heritage Management, Università di Bergamo, November-December 2018. Slides on google drive. Previous personal researches.

D.J.Timothy, S.Boyd, Heritage Tourism, Prentice Hall, 2003, pp. 286.
1 book at choice:

  • F. Tilden, Interpreting Our Heritage, The University of South Carolina Press, 1972.
  • Engaging Heritage, Engaging Communities, Edited by Bryony Onciul, Michelle L. Stefano, Stephanie Hawke, Boydell Press, 2017.


Visiting professor of Heritage Management, Università di Bergamo, November-December 2017.


Professor of Art Economy, Mater in Visual Art and Curatorial Studies, NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano, October 2007 – June 2011. Course in collaboration with Simona Bodo and Domenico Sedini.


Training Course for Wikipedians in Residence (Corso per Wikipediani in residenza), promoted by lettera27 Foundation in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia, March-May 2012. Training course curated by Remulazz; scientific director Iolanda Pensa. Presentation (it and en) with links to the slides (it)Program.


Share Your Knowledge, promoted by lettera27 Foundation, Fondazione Cariplo and Careof/DOCVA, Milano, 20/04/2011, 25/05/2011, 14/06/2011. Three meetings and training sessions addressing cultural institutions on access to knowledge and knowledge sharing, Creative Commons and Wikipedia.

Planning Cultural and Environmental projects: Training Course First Level (Ideare progetti culturali e ambientali. Corso di formazione di base), Liceo Scientifico Grassi, Lecco, 09/05/2011. Co-curator of the basic course on project planning and management.


African Style, NABA Summer School – Fashion, 02-08/07/2009.


African Style, Introduction to Fashion Design, NABA Summer School – Fashion, 30/06-03/07/2008.


Università Bocconi 2011

  • Share Your Knowledge: Wikipedia and Creative Commons for Cultural Institutions, within the course Advance Intellectual Propriety Law – ACME 2011-12, invitation by Maria Lillà Montagnani, 20/10/2011.

Politecnico Milano 2006, 2011

  • Share Your Knowledge, conference on Digital Innovation: The Role of Internet in the Future of Urban Research (Innovazioni digitali: il ruolo di internet per il futuro della ricerca urbana) with Fabio Mandredini and Simone Riccardi, Politecnico di Milano, 30/06/2011.
  • Radisson Blue Hotel and WikiAfrica (L’hotel Radisson Bue e WikiAfrica), conference on La modernizzazione del Litorale di Dakar with Maddalena Falletti, Chiara Trotto and Adriana Piga, Politecnico di Milano, 8/04/2011.
  • Multiplicity.lab, Laboratory of Urban planning, Teorie e Tecniche della Progettazione Architettonica e Stefano Boeri incontrano Luca Vitone and Iolanda Pensa, Presentation of the project Wider City, Politecnico di Milano, 2006.

EHESS Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Parigi 2005-2007

  • Research group on Biennials, triennials and festivals in Africa, 2004-2007.
  • Co-curator of the seminar Les festivals d’art contemporain en Afrique, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, 2006-2007.
  • La Biennale de Dakar, moderator and organiser of the conference with N’Goné Fall and Rémi Sagna, 11/01/2006.
  • Co-curator of the seminar Les festivals d’art contemporain en Afrique, 2005-2006.
  • La Biennale de Dakar, lesson, 23/11/2005.

Accademia Carrara Bergamo 2009

  • Make it Sexy: Storia, storie e storiografia del sistema dell’arte contemporanea africana, invitation by Alessandra Pioselli, 16/04/2009.

Università degli Studi Milano 2007

  • Arte e conflitti: rappresentare/rappresentarsi/evocare/intervenire, lesson-presentation, university conference programme curated by association ALISEI, Aula Magna, Polo di Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale, 2007.

Università Statale Torino 2007

  • SUD 2007 Un programma e laboratorio di interventi urbani e arte pubblica a Douala a cura del centro d’arte camerunese Doual’art, Università Statale di Torino, lecture within the course of Antropologia dell’Arte curated by Silvia Forni, 2007.

SOAS University of London Londra 2006

  • The Dakar Biennale, lecture within the seminar curated by Tania Tribe, SOAS University of London, 26/03/2006.

Universität der Künste Berlino 2006

  • Moderator with Roger M. Buergel of the international symposium Meanwhile in Africa curated by Christian Hanussek with Goddy Leye, Kan-si, Olakunle Tejuoso and Ntone Edjabe, 20/01/2006.

Università degli Studi Bicocca Milano 2006

  • The Art Centre doual’Art, Douala Cameroon, Università Statale di Milano, Laurea di specializzazione in Lingue, Culture e Comunicazione Internazionale, lecture within the course on cultural institutions and museums curated by Itala Vivan, Milano, 06/11/2006.
  • Dinamiche dell’arte contemporanea africana: la Biennale di Dakar, within the interdisciplinary seminar AMM-Africa, Medio Oriente e Mondo Musulmano, invitation by Ivan Bargna, Milano, 07/04/2006.

American University Cairo 2001

  • International Biennials, during a series of conferences around the Cairo Biennial, 2001.

Supervision of junior researchers at graduate and postgraduate level

  • Supervision of researchers within research projects.
  • Supervisor of Alessandro Serravalle, Dietro le quinte di Wikipedia, with a video production, bachelor thesis in Visual communication, 2015.
  • Supervisor of Massimiliano Mario Cucciniello, Mille lire. Come il pubblico può intervenire e sostenere i processi di produzione artistica?, Diploma di secondo livello, Corsi di arti visive e studi curatoriali, NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano, 2010-2011.


  • Certified trainer, “Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom”, Education team, Wikimedia Foundation, 2022.
  • Creative Commons Certificate for Open Culture / GLAM, 2021.
  • Corso introduttivo alla formazione terziaria universitaria, attestato, SUSPI, 2017.