Articles, essays, thesis and reports


Editor and co-editor

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2022) (ed.), Wikimedia Italia – Wiki Loves Monuments 2010-2012, Ledizioni, 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0.
    ISBN: 9788855268189
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2017) (ed.), Public Art in Africa. Art et transformations urbaines à Douala /// Art and Urban Transformations in Douala,  ed. Iolanda Pensa with Marta Pucciarelli, Fiona Siegenthaler, Marilyn Douala Bell, Kamel Verschuren, Xandra Nibbeling, Lucas Grandin, Asta Adukaite, Maud de la Chapelle, MetisPresses, 2017. All texts and most of the images under CC BY-SA. ISBN-13: 978-2-940563-16-6.
    SUPSI repository
  • Sulla storia dell’arte contemporanea africana. Concept and co-editor of the dossier in “Africa e Mediterraneo”, n. 55, 2006 with a historiography of Contemporary African art exhibitions, publications and playlists: introduction, research, development of the concept and the issue structure, collaboration in the selection of contributors and essays, photographic research, editing. The bibliography of the issue was developed collaboratively on Wikipedia (article contemporary African art on Wikipedia in Italian). Bibliography of the issue under CC BY-SA.
    Indexintroduction in English, original version in English
    SUPSI repository
  • Ars&Urbis. Editor of the dossier in “Africa e Mediterraneo”, n. 50, 2005 on the relationship between art and the territory in Africa: introduction, research, selection of contributors and essays, general coordination, photographic research, editing.
    Index, introduzione in italiano
    SUPSI repository
  • Industria culturale in Africa. Co-editor of the dossier in “Africa e Mediterraneo”, n. 47-48, 2004 on cultural industry in Africa: research, collaboration in the selection of essays, editing.
    SUPSI repository


  • Botturi, Luca & Iolanda Pensa (2024). Produzione e diffusione orizzontale: la social-cultura in Cultura nei media. Tra linearità verticali e reti orizzontali a cura dell’Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2023). Wiki Loves Monuments in Le immagini del patrimonio culturale. Un’eredità condivisa. ed. Daniele Manacorda and Mirco Modolo, Pacini Editore, pp. 181-186.
    Download the book under CC BY (ISBN 79-12-5486-215-5)
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2023). Open access e “Tutti i musei su Wikipedia” in Lungo le vie della conoscenza: Sfide e strumenti per comprendere cultura e scienza, Rapporto Civita 2023, Marsilio editori, 2023, pp. 126-131.
  • Pensa, Iolanda & Marta Pucciarelli (2022). Wikipedia and Cultural Tourism in Heritage, sustainable tourism and digital media. ed. S. De Ascaniis & L. Cantoni, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 25-35. 
  • Pensa, Iolanda in conversation with Achal Prabhala (2021). WikiAfrica in Achal Prabhalka, From Facts to Speculation/Four Conversation in The Department of Speculative Facts, ed. Lietje Bauwens, Quenton Miller & Karoline Świeżyński, The Department of Speculative Facts, 2021, pp. 52-56.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2021). Playing for a Moment witht the Exceptional (Giocare un momento con l’eccezionale) in HOW DO YOU PLAY? ed. DONTSTOP Architettura Michele Brunello, Corraini editore, 2021, pp. 36-39.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2021). Un pubblico attivo di contributori. Il modello di Wikipedia in Pubblici in esilio. Il consumo delle arti ai tempi della pandemia, ed. Federico Boni, Mimesis edizioni, 2021, pp. 59-67.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2021). Dak’Art’s Ecosystem: In and Out of Senegal in Dak’Art. The Biennale of Dakar and the Making of Contemporary African Art, eds. Ugochukwu-Smooth C. Nzewi and Thomas Fillitz, Routledge, 2021, pp. 165-170, green open access.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2020). Survival strategies for cultural institutions: making space and open licenses in Tourism facing a pandemic: From crisis to recovery, ed. Federica Burini, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 2020, pp. 223-228, CC BY-SA.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2017). Introduction in Wikimania 2016. Il raduno mondiale di Wikipedia a Esino Lario, Regione Lombardia, 2017, p. 11. All the publication under CC BY-SA. 
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2017). System Error. Art as a space to produce what we would never have thought we needed in Contemporary Perspectives in Art and International Development, eds. Polly Stupples and Katerina Teaiwa, Routledge, 2017, pp. 104-117, article under CC BY-SA.
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda & Davide Fornari (2015), Mobile Access to Knowledge: Culture and Safety in Africa. Documenting and Assessing the Impact of Cultural Events and Public Art on Urban Safety in Urban Safety and Security, ed. Emanuela Bonini Lessing, Franco Angeli, 2015, CC BY-SA.
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2012). Public art and Urban Change in Douala in Making Douala 2007-2013, catalogue of the exhibition Making Douala 2007-2013, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, 2012. Translated also into French and republished from Public Art and Urban Change in Douala in “Domus online”, May 2012, article under CC BY-SA. 
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2009). La bibliothèque de Chimurenga in The Chimurenga Library: An Introspective of Chimurenga Magazine, Cape Town Platform, 2009, pp. 4-6, article under CC BY-SA. The text is an extract of an interview by Marian Nur Goni on Africultures
    En français
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2007). Princess in Douala in Translation: A view of the city and its creative transformative potentials, Episode Publishers, Rotterdam, 2007, pp. 110-117. All the texts of the book under CC BY-SA. ISBN: 978-90-597-3071-7.
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2007). Make it sexy. La promozione dell’arte contemporanea africana in L’arte etnica tra cultura e mercato, eds. Guido Candela and Maurizio Biordi, Skira, 2007, pp. 93-131. Article under CC BY-SA.
    Versione originale in italiano
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2006). Les biennales et la géographie: Les biennales de Venise, du Caire et de Dakar in Créations artistiques contemporaines en pays d’Islam : des arts en tension, ed. Jocelyne Dakhlia, Paris, Kimé éditions, 2006, pp. 573-588. Article under CC BY-SA.
    SUPSI repository

Conference proceedings

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2022). Wiki Loves Monuments in Le immagini del patrimonio culturale. Un’eredità condivisa, Firenze, 12/06/2022.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2022). Wikimania Esino Lario 2016. Una comunità di montagna organizza il raduno mondiale di Wikipedia in Attivare le comunità di patrimonio adottando l’ecosistema Wikimedia: best practice in Italia e questioni aperte / Engaging Heritage communities adopting Wikimedia ecosystem: best practices in Italy and open questions with Pierluigi Feliciati, Luigi Catalani, Iolanda Pensa and Fedele Congedo, Italian National Conference on Public History dell’AIPH – Venezia-Mestre, 30/05/2022.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2022). Wikipedia e l’Africa in La rivoluzione digitale vista dall’Africa a cura di Cecilia Pennacini e Giovanna Santanera, VI Convegno biennale ASAI Associazione per gli Studi Africani in Italia: Afriche del terzo millennio nel mondo globale: sfide, riconfigurazioni e opportunità, Università degli studi di Urbino, 01/07/2022.
  • Bertacchini, Enrico & Iolanda Pensa (2022). Exploring collaborative digital heritage communities: a quantitative assessment of Wiki Loves Monuments in Italy in Rethinking culture and creativity: The role of cultural heritage in the green and digital transition, Università di Macerata, 11/11/2022.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2017). The need to contribute to Wikipedia. The improbability of an African Wikipedian in Strategic Narratives of Technology and Africa, hosted by the Critical Technical Practice laboratory at the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute in Funchal, Portugal, 02/09/2017. Article and slides under CC BY-SA.
    Slides. Paper draft
    SUPSI repository.
  • Botturi, Luca and van Zyl, I. and Pensa, Iolanda (2017) Wikipedia at Primary School: Teachers’ Use and Perceptions. The Case of South Africa. Proceedings of ICERI 2017.
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2017). L’esperienza/1: Wikimania Esino Lario 2016. Il raduno mondiale di Wikipedia in Da Spazi a Luoghi. Proposte per una nuova ecologia dello sviluppo, a cura di Paolo Venturi e Sara Rago, atti del convegno, AICCON, 2017, pp. 109-116. Article and slides under CC BY-SA. 
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2017), Laboratorio cultura visiva, SUPSI – Open Licences et Fab Labs in Culture et créativité pour le développement durable. Bonnes pratiques pour les collectivités publiques, Office fédéral du développement territorial ARE, 2017, p.42. Article and slides under CC BY-SA. 
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2015). Wikipedia as a new cultural battlefield, Swiss Researching Africa Days, Bern, 17/10/2014. Published with the title Africa and Wikipedia. The quality and quantity of African content on Wikipedia and the role of Scholars in contributing to it in Newsletter of the Société suisse d’études africaines Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien SSEA – SGAS, 1/2015, pp. 34-36, CC BY-SA.
    SUPSI repository.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2012). The Power of Wikipedia: Legitimacy and Territorial Control, Wikipedia Academy, Proceedings of the Wikipedia Academy, Berlin, 29/06/2012, CC BY-SA. 
    SUPSI repository
  • Fornari, Davide & Pensa, Iolanda (2010). Mobile Access to Knowledge: Afrofantasy. In: Negotiating futures – Design fiction. Proceedings of the 6th Swiss Design Network conference 6th Swiss Design Network conference, 28-30.10.2010, Basel. Article and slides under CC BY-SA.
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2007). Import-export: History of the history of contemporary African art, AEGIS Conference 2007, Leiden, Paesi Bassi, 14/07/07.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2007). Wikipedia, WikiAfrica, iStrike Foundation and contemporary African art and open source, within the round table In the here & now: Research methodologies for contemporary African art/ists, curated by Kinsey Katchka and Lisa Binder, Triennial Symposium on African Art, ACASA, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 28/03-01/04/2007.



Bibelot, biblioteche in Toscana, 2025

  • Intervista di Susanna Giaccai a Iolanda Pensa.

Il capitale culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, 2023, 2025

  • Bertacchini, Enrico & Iolanda Pensa (2023). Exploring Collaborative Digital Heritage Communities: A Quantitative Assessment of Wiki Loves Monuments in Italy in “Il capitale culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage”, n. 28, 2023, pp. 129-150.
    ISSN 2039-2362 (online)
    DOI: 10.13138/2039-2362/3197

Rivista italiana di informatica e diritto, 2023

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2023). Lasciateci partecipare. Riuso e disseminazione del sapere educativo, scientifico e culturale attraverso Wikipedia, i progetti Wikimedia e OpenStreetMap. Rivista italiana di informatica e diritto. 5, 1 (giu. 2023), 4. ISSN 2704-7318, Fascicolo 1-2023

Finestre sull’arte: Arte antica e contemporanea, 2023

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2023). Iolanda Pensa – Quali politiche per le riproduzioni dei beni culturali? in “Finestre sull’arte: Arte antica e contemporanea”, anno V, n. 20, dicembre-gennaio-febbraio 2023-24, pp. 44-45.

Il sole24ore, 2012, 2022

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2022). Un appello di Wikimedia sul riuso delle immagini in “Il Sole 24 Ore”, Servizio interventi, 24/06/2022.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2012). I beni visibili grazie a Wikipedia: Il concorso Wiki Loves Monument promuove il patrimonio pubblico raccogliendo fotografie e dati. Ma l’Italia sconta vincoli di copyright in “Il Sole 24 Ore”, Domenica, Sezione Cultura e sviluppo, n. 77, p. 38.
    Versione originale in italiano, français (merci Otourly)
    SUPSI repository

New Media & Society. Sage Publishing, 2018

Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, 2017

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2017), «Risposta a “Riflessioni sulla narrazione storica nelle voci di Wikipedia”», Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, N. 29, 1|2017.
    SUPSI repository

Doppiozero, 2017

  • Somajni, Chiara and Pensa, Iolanda (2017). Making Douala 2007-2017 in “Doppiozero”, 14/07/2017.

Diff – Wikimedia Foundation Blog, 2017, 2023

Flash Art, Milano, 2000-2017

OnCurating, Zurich, 2016

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2016). Public Art and Urban Change in Douala in “OnCurating. In this Context: Collaborations & Biennials”, ed. Nkule Mabaso, Issue 32 / October 2016 Notes on Curating, pp. 48-53. English. Republished from Public Art and Urban Change in Douala in “Domus online”, May 2012. 
    SUPSI repository

Chimurenga, Cape Town, 2011-2013

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2013). Cowboy Noir in Nollywood in Chimurenga Chronicle, December 2013.
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2012). The Power of Wikipedia: Legitimacy and Control in “PMS Reader Power Money Sex”, Chimurenga and Open Society Institute of Southern Africa, 2012. 
    Englishoriginal version in English
    SUPSI repository
  • Pensa, Iolanda (2008). Where People are Knowledge in Chimurenga Chronicle 18-24 May 2008, Another Section* Media & Technology/People are Knowledge, October 2011 (predated 18-24 May 2008), p. 11. 
    Original version in Englishreading list
    SUPSI repository

Seismopolite: Journal of Art and Politics, Norway, 2013

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2013). I’ll have a project. How international grants and cultural cooperation have shaped contemporary African art into a project made of objectives, activities and expected results in “Seismopolite Journal of Art and Politics”, 2013.
    English, Norwegian
    SUPSI repository

Domus, Milano, 2004-2016

Open Knowledge Foundation Blog, 2011

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2011). Share Your African Knowledge in “Open Knowledge Foundation Blog”, 09/11/2011. English. SUPSI repository.

Mousse, Milano, 2007

Artthrob, Cape Town, South Africa, 2004-2007

Nafas Art Magazine, Universes in Universe, Berlin, 2004

Tema Celeste, Milano, 2002

Africa e Mediterraneo, Sasso Marconi Bologna, 2002-2007

Nigrizia, Verona, 2001-2007

Africa, 2003-2005

Flair, Milano, 2007

Gulliver, Milano, 2003-2004

A Oriente!, Milano, 2001

Italia Convention, 2016

  • Pensa, Iolanda (2016). Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario in “Italian Convention”, October 2016. Italiano, English.
Short news
Position papers
Project reports and documentation
  • Raccomandazioni e proposte per il telelavoro SUPSI. Allegato (2021). V. M. Zanetta (ed.), SUPSI, 22/10/2021.
  • Kaufmann, Claudia, Danuscia Tschudi Von Kaenel, Nicolas Pons-Vignon, Luca Morici, Emiliano Soldini, Iolanda Pensa, Spartaco Greppi, Il telelavoro ai tempi del Covid-19. La trasformazione degli spazi domestici in spazi di lavoro (2021). SUPSI, 12/04/2021.
  • Cangiano, Serena & Iolanda Pensa (2021). TAC. Open Syllabus and Open Tools to Train Young Data Makers. Final Report, SUPSI, June 2021.
  • Pucciarelli, Marta, Luca Morici, Iolanda Pensa (2019). Attitudini, conoscenze e pratiche di Open Access. Sondaggio tra i collaboratori SUPSI 2018. Canobbio, Svizzera: Laboratorio cultura visiva / Dipartimento ambiente costruzioni design / Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI), 2019. CC-BY SA 4.0. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3711980
  • Wikipedia Primary School.
  • Africa and Wikipedia. The quality and quantity of African content on Wikipedia and the role of Scholars in contributing to it in Newsletter of the Société suisse d’études africaines Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien SSEA – SGAS, 1/2015, pp. 34-36. To download the newsletter.
  • WikiAfrica (2007-2012).
  • Share Your Knowledge (2011-2012). Case study on Wikimedia Outreach with list of institutions involved; guidelines.
  • WikiAfrica Primary School Feasibility Study, November 2012.
  • Mobile A2K: Resources Interfaces and Content on Urban Transformations (2009-2011) and Mobile A2K: Culture and Safety in Africa (2012-2013). Documents.
  • Vestire i paesaggi (2009-2012). Documentazione in italiano.
  • School of Thought / Scuola di pensiero, radio podcast by Iolanda Pensa, Usmaradio.
  • Mattia Pelli, In Altre Parole: Ospite Iolanda Pensa per 5 puntate, RSI Rete Due, 08-12/03/2021. 5 puntate audio.
Thesis supervisor
  • Alessandro Serravalle, Wikipedia, dietro le quinte, SUPSI, 2015. Relatore Iolanda Pensa, correlatore Laura Massa. Wikidata: Q117276320

Please note that all articles are in CC BY-SA by default.
